Film As Art

by dallas. A blog for my two favorite subjects: film and history.

Thursday, December 09, 2004

My Special Reflection

I came into this class not knowing what to expect. i have always considered myself a fairly intelligent person and have never been afraid of learning new technology. i enjoyed learning about many of the new technologies, but the most treasured experience was working with adobe premiere. this program is the answer to all the questions you wanted to have answered in this blog. it was by far the most challenging technology to nail down (if i can say i have it nailed down), but also the most rewarding. i count myself fortunate to be coming out of this class with a knowledge of premiere. this is a tool that i will continue to use. i had always wanted to learn premiere but never had a real reason to invest the time.

i couldn't say that my attitude has really changed toward technology and education. i've always deemed technology a necessary appendage of education, even if my own education has been somewhat devoid of technological integration. what this class has given me is a working perspective on what is really available to educators, and what may be available in the future.

i have been fascinated with the magic of celluloid since i was very young. i can think of no better use of technological integration. filmmakers are in essence just telling a story, which the human animal has been doing since it first learned how to communicate. but to be able to take the medium of oral story telling and integrate music, special effects, dramatic enhancing editing, costumes, props, etcetera raises the medium of story telling to etheral heights. teaching is no different. if educators can find ways of enhancing education through different technologies, how much better can education be? there are good movies and bad, and good teachers and bad. if we can find the technologies that work best for teaching, we can raise our ability to educate to the realm of the divine.
the ever indulgent,
dallas petersen


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