Film As Art

by dallas. A blog for my two favorite subjects: film and history.

Friday, September 17, 2004

I love this movie!!! Posted by Hello

Thursday, September 16, 2004

me, when i was fat. one big sausage!!! Posted by Hello

Tuesday, September 07, 2004

My three rules of thumb.

Actually integrate the technology to enhance the learning experience. Do not just show a movie in class because a lesson has not been prepared.

The teacher must be comfortable with the technology or the students will not learn properly.

Use a variety of technology. From ktbugg.

Rules of Thumb

I have read both articles.

1. Be sure that the technology is being integrated into the classroom atmosphere to help the students learn.

2. Be sure the teacher knows how to properly use the technology being integrated.

Friday, September 03, 2004

Technology Integration: or the lack dallas

Preface: I just created a perfectly beautiful blog, and thanks to the joy of technological integration, when I went to post the browser was misdirected and I lost everything I'd written. yeah.

During my grade school years, the idea of technological integration in the classroom reached its zenith with the overhead projector and the occasional instructional video. My grade school took a hard line traditionalist view when it came to teaching the fundamentals. Anything other than chalk and talk accompanied by desks and texts were prohibited. I can't recall so much as a field trip to the zoo. But my junior high, and high schools were state school and came equipped with the obligatory AV lab.

My ninth grade history class was the basic "names, dates, and sequential events" sort of class. Our section on WWII seemed like it was not going to be any different until the day I showed up in class to find my teacher, who's name escapes me, standing in the front of the class with a TV/VCR combo. I was elated. For the next two days we watched Swing Kids. The movie is rather silly now with my "grown up" sensibilities, but at the time it was incredible. WWII became more than just a war in Europe started by some crazy guy with a moustache. This film gave me a real sense of what it would have been like for a kid like me to live in Germany during the rise of the Third Reich. While watching that film, history became real. Swing Kids allowed me to see past the endless black text to the human story that lay beyond. That is why I want to be a historian. I want to find the story, and tell it.

If I could go back and speak to this history teacher I would tell him thank you. I only wish he would have shown more well chosen films for the appropriate subject.


Wednesday, September 01, 2004

My first blog!!!

It seems silly to be so excited about something so simple, but i've just created my first blog and i think it is going to be fun. To start I think I am going to list some of my favorite movies, and it anyone would like to comment on these fine movies or make their own lists, they are, of course, free to do so.
Favorite Movies:
Lawrence of Arabia, Talk To Her, The Searchers,
Fellini's 8 1/2, Chinatown, Children of Paradise,
400 Blows, Gone With The Wind, Raise the Red Lantern,
Umberto D, MST3K: The Movie, Rome: Open City, The Tree of Wooden Clogs, Dawn of the Dead, Alien, Spartacus, Metropolis,
Five Easy Pieces, Sunset Blvd., Rules of the Game, M, Touch of Evil, the Grapes of Wrath, The Wild Bunch, It Happened One Night, Far From Heaven, Disney's: Sleeping Beauty, Maltese Falcon.

Well, there are a few, i hope people will have fun with the list and this new blog.