Film As Art

by dallas. A blog for my two favorite subjects: film and history.

Friday, February 11, 2005

Being silly at Snoqualmie Falls. Dr. Evil was ALL the rage back then. After this we went and looked for Laura Palmer. Posted by Hello
YAY for the pool party on my last week in the field. jesus is looking on with such approval. Posted by Hello
I AM NOT A COFFEE TABLE!!! I'M NOT I'M NOT I'M NOT I'M NOT!!!!! okay i am. Posted by Hello
Uh, elder petersen, this is making me a little uncomfortable. please stop touching me! Posted by Hello
Nothing like relaxing in the spa after a hard day of missionary work. Posted by Hello
Not even me in the picture. I just think it's a darn perty shot! Posted by Hello
Story of my life. Me, bending over and receiving a giant rip in the crotch of my pants. I think this is my best side, by the way. Posted by Hello
The toilet turned fountain/planter. Just like a missionary, taking something base and unrefined and making it beautiful, and dare i say, holy. Posted by Hello
This is George Albert Smith, the penguin i saved from a dumpster at the Seattle Children's Hospital. We've become fast friends, although, the heroine habit is starting to become bothersome. He just doesn't want to be helped. Posted by Hello
I was feeling a little like Batman that day. Look out Gotham, the Caped Crusader is here to save souls and kick some ass! Posted by Hello
Sorry kids, santa's had a few too many glasses of egg nog. Posted by Hello
My id and and ego sit down for a chat. Oh boys, must it always come to this? Posted by Hello
Fun at FAO Schwartz. My homage to "Big". Posted by Hello
A merry wanderer frollicking in the tulips. Posted by Hello
Hey!!! Can't a missionary use an outhouse without his companion's watchful eye? Posted by Hello
Happy missionary. Posted by Hello
Sad missionary. Posted by Hello
Curses...foiled again. Caught on tape sleeping in. Posted by Hello
Members are cool. They brought me over a drumset to play in our apartment. Posted by Hello
Contemplating the eternities on my porcelain throne. Posted by Hello
Tomfoolery in the MTC. A belly worthy of worship. Posted by Hello

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

GO IPPY!!! Posted by Hello